Disney Looks Into Odd Framing on Blu-ray Title

Digital transfer of film content to Blu-ray Disc or HD DVD does not necessarily ensure perfection just because of the formats’ impressive qualities, even if the content has already been issued on standard DVD to great commercial and critical success.

Some early adopters of next-gen DVD have noticed the Blu-ray version of “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,” from Walt Disney Co., seems to include some framing issues that were not a problem in earlier releases of the same film on standard DVD, according to High-Def Digest.

Some Blu-ray enthusiasts have posted frame-by-frame comparisons between Blu-ray and standard DVD of the same content showing, in one instance, that half an actor’s head is partially cut off by top-framing, the report said.

Disney, which maintains its own Blu-ray Web site, is aware of the issue and withholding comment until it could look into the matter further. The Pirates movie trilogy is being issued only in Blu-ray because Disney has been a strong backer of the format since its inception.