Buckeye Cable Boosts Sports Coverage With Hitachi HD Cameras

Buckeye CableSystem, a cable television service provider for the Toledo, Ohio area, has purchased seven Hitachi Z-HD5000 high-definition studio and field cameras for use by its sporting event division, the Buckeye Cable Sports Network (BCSN).

“While it’s affordably priced, the Z-HD5000 still offers superior, native 1080i HD picture quality comparable to more expensive HD broadcast cameras,” said Tad Fowkes, BCSN’s creative services/production manager of local stations. “Our goal is to retain cable subscribers by offering them a valuable, exclusive service they can’t get from any other cable or satellite provider.”

BCSN sports programming is provided free to Buckeye CableSystem subscribers and began operations in early 2004 and moved into HD operations in 2011. It telecasts more than 900 local sporting events yearly, including NCAA Division I sports from Bowling Green State University and the University of Toledo, as well as high school games.

“To produce 17 to 20 sports events each week, at locations ranging from college stadiums to high school gyms, we set up and strike our cameras roughly 300 times per year and operate them in all kinds of conditions,” said Fowkes. “The roadworthiness and durability of these cameras have proven to be a great asset to us.”