Vendor View, James Eddershaw, Shotoku Broadcast Systems

Expected tech trends: Multi-platform content, 4K/8K formats will no doubt continue to be high profile discussion points. However, I always find IBC covers such a wide range of market segments and technology disciplines that almost every hall has a "hot topic", which is actually more relevant to the companies on the show floor.

New at IBC: We'll be showing some very interesting new developments across our range of robotic camera systems. New and enhanced control systems and for the first time in Europe, our latest rail camera system SmartTrack; ideal for ceiling or floor use.

Thoughts on 4K/8K: The 4K and 8K trends do not specifically impact the robotics systems or camera supports. However, the longstanding trend to high (and ultra-high) definition quality, right through to the consumer, raises the general "production quality" expectation for the viewer -- making it more important than ever to provide precise, smooth, on-air camera movements. In addition, resolutions of position tracking data in VR and AR productions need to stay in line with the ever increasing resolutions of the new formats.

Favourite bar, pub or restaurant in Amsterdam:  This changes every year but the old favourite bars would be the Het Elfde Gebod in Zeedijk, Caf‚ Cuba on Nieuwmarkt, or the more up-market D'Vijff Vlieghen restaurant.

How many IBCs for you, and what's best trade show tip: Not exactly sure, but I started at the final Brighton IBC, so more than 20 certainly. Tip: Smile! 

Mark Hallinger