Snell & Wilcox, SignaSys power NAB coverage

Snell & Wilcox’s technology provided the backbone for HD broadcasts at the NAB show held this past week. Attendees of the show saw a network of HD broadcasts that included interviews and live reports from the show floor via a wireless HD system, as well as discussions from the NAB-HD studios located in the Las Vegas Convention Center’s Central Hall.

The NAB-HD broadcast was designed and built in its entirety by SignaSys. This year’s exhibit covered more than 5000sq ft and included a fully functioning HD facility that incorporated an HD studio and production facility, automated multiservice master control environment, HD production and editing area, as well as an HD theater. NAB-HD programming was distributed to displays throughout the Las Vegas Convention Center and to more than 75,000 hotel rooms throughout the city and to mobile devices via cellular and Internet services.

Snell & Wilcox’s IQ Modular system components with RollCall control and monitoring served as the infrastructure supporting NAB-HD. The IQ Modular infrastructure range, featuring more than 300 intelligent component building blocks with which to construct any kind of broadcast facility, provided platform flexibility for broadcasters to reconfigure their content as their needs changed throughout the show. RollCall functionality instantly identified potential problems in the signal path ensuring no disruptions in delivering network content to attendees.

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