Winner: KLCS

by Omneon

Last January, KLCS completed the installation of a digital content distribution model able to reconfigure bandwith and satisfy both over-the-air and classroom audiences. The project enables the station to provide educational content directly to the desktops of more than one million students and teachers in Los Angeles County School District. KLCS chose systems integrator TV Magic to guide the project.

KLCS required a more reliable and flexible combination of equipment that would allow large volumes of material in various file formats to flow seamlessly between various stages.

The upgrade included integration of a 28-channel media server system controlled by automation software. The server allows engineers to separate studio and edit content, play-to-air material, streaming channels, and other assets into different volumes on the same server so that the facility's automation system sees only the material relevent to it.

Teachers now can browse or search entire contents of the KLCS media library, which include not only video and audio, but also PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans and other resources.

Key technology: Omneon Spectrum media server, Sundance Digital automation, Intelli-Sat, Triveni Digital Skyscraper, Avalon IDM, XDSM archive manager, GVS Metropolis SAN/NAS, Leitch NEO SuiteView, Integrator GOLD SDI, Opus MC switcher, DPS-575AV synchronizer, 6800+ video/audio conversion, 880 Series stereo audio Das, CCS Pilot, navigator, Pinnacle Liquid Edition and blue, Dielectri 888 antenna, TANDBERG encoders and IRDs, MRC DAR Plus microwave, FOR-A Hanabi switcher, Evertz 9625 LGA, Ikegami HL-DV7AW cameras, nNovia QuickCapture drives, Sony DMX-R100 console, Digital Rapids StreamZ 2500 Web encoders, K-Tech DM-100 DTV monitoring, Rohde & Schwarz T&M.

Runner-up: Elon University

by Jova/Daniels/Busby

Key technology: Sony DXCD50SL studio cameras, MVS-8000 digital switcher, DRS-25 DVCAM decks, Listec T2012P LCD 15in prompter, 360 Systems Image Server 2000, Chyron Duet LE CG, Adobe After Effects, Motion, Apple Final Cut Pro 4.5, Avid Newscutter NLEs, GenArts plug-in packages.