NCP readies NCP-VIII TV truck for major sporting events

New Century Productions (NCP) is rolling out its latest HD mobile production truck later this summer. The company is preparing its NCP-VIII for several major events beginning in August, including the US Open tennis tournament, World Series coverage for Fox, the Breeders' Cup horse-racing competition and the Super Bowl pre-game show.

Part of NCP’s preparations include installing the Calrec Audio 72-fader Alpha digital audio console. The console features Calrec’s Bluefin high-density signal processing system, which more than doubles the processing power of the console on one DSP card.

For these types of sporting events, the Alpha will need to mix more than 100 incoming audio sources simultaneously, including stereo and 5.1 surround-sound sources. Bluefin enables the Alpha to provide 78 full 5.1 surround-sound channels from its complement of 162 stereo and 156 mono channels and eight surround groups. Each channel and group is equipped with full EQ and dynamics, and the system has 23 minutes of user-accessible delay elements, four surround main outputs, 48 multitrack outputs and 20 auxes. The new system also generates less heat and uses less power than previous Calrec designs.

The NCP-VIII marks the fourth installation of Calrec mixers in NCP trucks. Currently, NCP owns two analog Q2 consoles and carries a 96-fader Alpha on the NCP-VII truck.

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