2006 RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Awards call for entries

RTNDA has been honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism with the Edward R. Murrow Awards since 1971. The organization is soliciting nominations for the 2006 awards. Murrow's pursuit of excellence in journalism embodies the spirit of the awards that carry his name. Murrow Award recipients demonstrate the excellence that Edward R. Murrow made a standard for the electronic news profession.

Award categories include:

  • Overall Excellence
  • Newscast
  • Spot news coverage
  • Continuing coverage
  • Investigative reporting
  • Feature reporting
  • Hard news
  • Sports reporting
  • News series
  • News documentary
  • Writing
  • Website (Broadcast affiliated)
  • Website (Non-broadcast Affiliated)

Stories must have aired between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2005, with the exception of the Website categories.

Entry forms and materials must be postmarked no later than January 31 to be considered for the awards.

An award will be given in each category unless, in the opinion of the judges, no award is deserved.

For more information, visit www.rtnda.org.

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