Americans love Susan Boyle

Yet the Brits are clueless about this jewel.

Like millions of other Americans I first learned of Susan Boyle from watching a news story on television. The program which has so changed her life isn’t on American television. Rather, it’s a British show much like American Idol. However, after seeing a 90second clip about her on cable news, I had to see her sing.

I found her entire performance on YouTube and was able to watch her performance from the UK show Britain’s Got Talent. I tear up and smile every time I view it.

Boyle, is a 47-year old homebody from Scotland who has turned out to be one of the most surprising successes in the show’s history. As of this morning, her performance has been seen 33million times on YouTube.

Once arriving in Las Vegas, I wanted to see what others thought about Susan Boyle. Everyone I talked with had either seen her sing or heard or read about her. All were impressed.

Except the British.

David Austerberry is editor of Broadcast Engineering’s world edition and resides in the UK. When I ask him about Susan Boyle, his was response was, “Who is she?”.

I was dumfounded. Here’s a guy who lives in London. He’s in the television business and he’s never heard of her! David says he doesn’t watch the show Brittan’s Got talent and hadn’t heard about all the fuss.

Okay, he’s a geek, he just doesn’t watch TV. The other Brits I encounter here at NAB will have seen her.

However, at the next two press conferences, I sought out British citizens I knew and asked them “Have you seen Susan Boyle sing?”

Same response, “No, who is she?”

Not one native Brit I asked, knew Susan Boyle.

I was flummoxed.

We have this wonderful woman who has captured the hearts of millions of Americans, and yet it seems her own countrymen have overlooked this jewel.

In this morning’s USA Today, writer Maria Puente gives ten mostly psychological reasons we find Boyle’s performance so captivating. While all of the scientific logic may be true, but for me and tens of millions of others, , Susan Boyle just touches our hearts.

If you haven’t yet see her entire performance on Brittan’s Got Talent, you can find it here.

I promise, this will be the best seven minutes of your entire day.