Wireless Spectrum Monitor for Sound Engineers

The WiNRADiO is an essential tool to assist audio engineers in stage production during setup and event supervision. It will simplify the critical task of managing and allocating the available radio spectrum for wireless microphones, in-ear monitors, and various other wireless devices, to achieve optimum performance and avoid interference of unwanted signals.

The supplied software application contains a number of specialist features tailored to audio engineering, with an intuitive user interface.

The RF spectrum display makes it possible to identify and avoid interference sources and label wireless devices in use. Marked frequency channels and ranges, as well as complete RF environments with their associated spectrum displays, can be saved and recalled for later analysis, or when revisiting a venue. Standard features include a real-time audio spectrum analyser and built-in audio recorder with a playlist. Additional flexibility is provided by integration with the industry standard Shure Wireless Workbench®.

The receiver’s wide frequency range (30 to 1000 MHz) covers all standard wireless microphone and other VHF/UHF frequencies used in stage production, including the FM broadcast band and point-to-point communications.

The WR-G33WSM Wireless Spectrum Monitor is a complete package including receiver, application software, antenna, power supply and all necessary adaptors plus cables, and is available from RADIXON UK Ltd., tel. +44 (0)870 446 0449. Additional information is available at:


Background information:

Founded in 1991, RADIXON Group is based in Melbourne, Australia, with branches in the UK, USA and Slovakia. The Group specializes in the design, manufacture and integration of innovative computer-based radio communications systems, marketed under the brand name WiNRADiO. Customers include government departments, defence and law enforcement, spectrum management agencies, public transport, security and emergency services, as well as commercial and consumer users.

Press contact: Kevin Nice

Direct line: +44 (0)845 1933 603

Email: kevin.nice@radixon.co.uk