Mobile Television Group Deploys Grass Gear

The Mobile Television Group (MTVG), a Denver based provider of HD production vehicles, recently purchased Grass Valley cameras for several of its trucks.

MTVG selected the new LDK 8000 Elite cameras to replace its Grass LDK 6000 cameras. The LDK 8000s, which are slated for the company’s newest truck—26HDX, and for upgrades on 7HDX and PUMA-1—can use the same base station and OCP (operational control panel) units as the LDK 6000.

The new 26HDX will also include a 256x512 Grass Valley Trinix NXT HD routing switcher populated with 160 HD-SDI inputs by 320 HD-SDI inputs. In addition to the cameras, MTVG also installed the first Kayenne Video Production Center in July 2009, and was the first in North America to use the Kayenne live on-air on board its 25HDX truck, which also carries eight LDK 8000 HD cameras with triax adapters. The company has also bought a third Kayenne switcher as well for the 26HDX.

MTVG also uses Grass Valley Kalypso and Kayak HD production switchers as well as LDK 6000 and LDK 8000 cameras on board its other trucks.