Matrox Axio 2.0 software to support new Adobe release

Matrox Axio features no-render HD and SD finishing in compressed and uncompressed formats.

Matrox Video Products Group has announced that its 2.0 software for the Matrox Axio family of HD and SD editing platforms will support the newly announced Adobe Production Studio and Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0. (See “Adobe Production Studio offers new tools, productivity enhancements.”)

Matrox Axio release 2.0 also will include real-time multi-camera editing, real-time SD clip upscaling in an HD timeline, an accelerated shine effect, voice-over recording in the timeline, audio VU meters on capture and WYSIWYG support for Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop CS2, Autodesk Combustion and 3ds Max, eyeon Fusion and NewTek LightWave 3D.

Matrox Axio features no-render HD and SD finishing in compressed and uncompressed formats, real-time color correction tools, advanced real-time effects and a full complement of analog and digital audio and video inputs and outputs.

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