Japan: Hybrid Three-Layer Blu-ray DVD Disc Coming?

Depending on its eventual price points, this could be one solution for DVD enthusiasts who can’t (or don’t want to) jump to Blu-ray players and discs quite yet. A new type of triple-layered video disc coming to market in Japan reportedly will hold both standard DVD and Blu-ray content (on the same side, no less).

According to several Asian Web sites, the still-unidentified Japanese CE firm has perfected the first hybrid Blu-ray DVD disc — with its inaugural release set for sometime in February with a “Code Blue Box” set. The three-layer disc can be read by existing Blu-ray players and DVD players.

The Blu-ray track (with its requisite blue laser) has a wave length of 405nm, while red-laser standard DVD mode uses 650nm. The trick was to incorporate both laser schemes into a single-sided disc without interference.

Among several details still missing from early online reports of the apparent breakthrough is what will be the new combo disc’s typical price, compared to today’s DVD and Blu-ray titles. Another missing detail is when such a disc may be available in North America and Europe.

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