ISuppli predicts upcoming boom in wireless video-enabled CE devices

The portable CE device market has grown dramatically in the past few years, but what has been lacking is an easy way to connect mobile devices with small displays, such as a mobile phone, to larger displays, such as a big screen TV. ISuppli, and other research firms, are betting that the market for video-enabled CE devices with high-bandwidth wireless video interfaces will be huge. In fact, iSuppli believes the new market will grow to more than 85.2 million units by 2014, up from 606,000 units in 2009. By 2014, more than 53 million of these devices will be wireless-video-enabled digital TVs and consumer-oriented netbooks/laptops.

Fueling the potential trend is “the coming widespread adoption of wireless video technologies that will allow CE devices to share content via live streaming of both compressed and uncompressed video,” according to iSuppli. To that end, new wireless standards are being promoted by three consortium-led standards: WHDI, WirelessHD and the Wireless Gigabit Alliance.