Harris Awarded Contract to Rebuild Iraq's Media Network

Harris Corporation has been awarded a US$96 million contract for development of the Iraqi media network. The contract was awarded by The Defense Contracting Command-Washington on behalf of the Coalition Provisional Authority currently governing Iraq with the goal of creating a new media network based the existing organization that will include two national radio channels, two national television channels and a national newspaper.

Harris will provide all necessary transmitters, and automation broadcast equipment along with integration services and will also lead the project. The Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) and Al Fawares, a Kuwaiti company with Iraqi ownership, will work with Harris on the project. LBCI will be responsible for training and content programming and Al Fawares will assist in expanding the Al Sabah newspaper into a national paper and provide security, logistics and construction services.

Howard Lance, chairman, president and CEO of Harris Corporation, said, "We are extremely pleased to be selected to play this role in the rebuilding of Iraq's critical broadcast and media infrastructure. We created a focused organization to support reconstruction efforts in Iraq and to apply the unique capabilities that Harris has to offer in both commercial and government communications systems. The extensive experience of our Broadcast Communications Division on international projects, combined with the large integration programs expertise of our Government Communications Systems Division, will ensure the success of this initiative. The free flow of information is crucial to any modern society, and we are committed to making this ambitious goal a reality."

The last line of the Harris Press Release may be of interest to some RF engineers. It reads: "Sound interesting? Find great jobs at Harris: www.careers.harris.com."