Female-Friendly Survey Finds Fans Prefer HD to Stadium

In a U.S. survey commissioned by HD product maker Motorola, nearly half of all American sports fans (45 percent) said they prefer to watch football on an HD screen at home or in a sports bar rather than actually attend the game in-person.

Despite the somewhat self-serving nature of the study, such findings may be most applicable to NFL contests (compared to college games), where pro game tickets, parking, food and other essential ingredients of a typical contest can easily run a family several hundred dollars on a Sunday afternoon.

The survey queried both pro and college fans, Motorola said. But for some reason, slightly more women than men were among the 1,009 surveyed, which could have led to this finding, among others: Without mentioning HD viewing as an option, only 32 percent respondents would choose to attend a college or pro football game in-person in the first place. (Go team?)

Motorola commissioned Opinion Research Corporation to conduct the survey earlier this month.