EPA Wants DTV Transition to Include Recycling Old Sets

The FCC and the Environmental Protection Agency have joined together to recommend ways for the public to be more environmentally responsible as they go through the DTV transition.

The agencies did not announce any specific initiative, funding or plans to get the new green message out, but did issue a fact sheet Tuesday.

In it, the government entities advise people, first of all, to stick with their old analog TVs by getting a converter box or subscribing to pay TV. The EPA and FCC Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau recommend converter boxes with the industry’s Energy Star seal.

Next, they advise those buying new digital TVs to try to recycle their old ones. “Recycling TVs recovers valuable materials from the circuit boards, metal wiring, leaded glass, and plastics,” the new fact sheet says, advising consumers to call local hazardous waste collection and recycling programs to learn about local electronics recycling.

The document also points to—but denies actually recommending—three Web sites: Earth 911, the National Recycling Coalition and My Green Electronics,, a Consumer Electronics Association site.

The FCC and EPA also warn not to just assume the less-fortunate want old TVs. “With the switch to digital broadcasting, many charitable organizations may no longer be accepting analog TVs,” they said. “Please check with the organization before you drop off your analog TV.”