CEA says one out of every four sets sold in 2004 will be an HDTV

Manufacturer-to-dealer sales of digital television (DTV) products continued to soar during the first half of 2004, reaching 2.8 million units and dollar revenues of more than $2.7 billion, according to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).

Sean Wargo, senior industry analyst for CEA, said one out of four televisions purchased this year will be an HDTV. DTV sales have now reached a total of 11.7 million units since the technology was introduced in 1998, with most sales occurring during the past two years.

The CEA also reported that DTV sales during the first half of 2004 are up 80 percent compared to 1.5 million units sold in the same time period last year. The CEA defines DTV products as integrated sets and monitors displaying active vertical scanning lines of at least 480p and, in the case of integrated sets, receiving and decoding ATSC terrestrial digital broadcasts.

Data cited in this release is available for purchase through the CEA’s Market Activity Reports and Analysis (MARA) program. For more information, visit www.eBrain.org/mara or send an e-mail request to info@ebrain.com.

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