Broadpeak's 2024 Outlook: Streaming Will Overtake Traditional TV

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Moving into 2024, streaming is verging on overtaking traditional video distribution. Internet service providers (ISPs) play a critical role in this transformation. We anticipate the collaboration between OTTs and ISPs will increase, as illustrated by DAZN’s partnerships with Telecom Italia or Orange in Spain. 

The Streaming Video Alliance (SVTA) and its Open Caching concept is another example of collaborative initiatives key to delivering high-quality streaming experiences and reducing delivery costs next year.

Greater emphasis will be placed on sustainability in 2024. The industry is working on establishing a sustainability chain to lessen environmental impact, encourage responsible resource management, and decrease carbon emissions. 

Tracking and reducing emissions during every step of the video chain, from production to consumption, will be important. We will start seeing the attribution of the environmental impacts of cloud and CDN services back to the companies using these services. 

Finally, rather than reinvent the wheel, the industry will leverage a variety of available tools to optimize video streaming. We anticipate a growing use of AI to quickly isolate operational issues, FAST channels to drive viewer engagement, and a combination of first-party data and collaboration with ISPs on server-side ad insertion to boost the CPM of targeted ads.

Xavier Leclerq is VP of Business Development for Broadpeak.