Harris to support Australia’s first mobile TV trial

Harris will supply The Bridge Networks with transmitters (such as the Atlas DTV660) and technical support to receivers using the DVB-H standard.

Harris has announced an agreement to supply transmission equipment and technical support to Sydney-based The Bridge Networks for Australia’s first trial distribution of multi-channel TV to mobile receivers using the Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H) standard.

For the 12-month trial, which will be launched in the middle of this year, Harris is providing technology from its Atlas DTV660 range of transmitters, which offers integrated network adapters for telecom networks and integrated DVB-T receivers for re-transmission applications. These benefits are further enhanced with DVB-H and hierarchical modulation capabilities.

Telstra will be the sole telecommunications carrier involved in the trial, and will manage the customer relationship and provide some content; Harris will supply transmission equipment and technical support; and Australian-manufacturer, RFS, will provide Radio Frequency combining products and services for the transmission of the DVB-H signal.

DVB-H allows simultaneous transmission of multiple channels of television, radio, video, audio and IP data to a range of multi-media receivers including mobile phones, PDAs, PCs and other handheld devices, and is part of the DVB-T standard currently used to deliver terrestrial television in Australia. DVB-H uses MPEG-4, Windows Media 9, AAC and similar advanced video and audio coding and compression technologies to effect a considerable reduction in the bandwidth needed to deliver an acceptable quality of service to small-screen devices.

For more information, visit www.broadcast.harris.com/.

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