Video Clarity provides Harmonic with quality test tools

Visual test analysis equipment provider Video Clarity has announced Harmonic has chosen both RTM and ClearView products for its lab environment for video quality testing.

Harmonic is using RTM, a real-time quality assessment tool, and the ClearView analyzer in product test environments. RTM measures the quality, logs statistics and alarms on A/V distortions and lip sync drifts.

RTM alarms on degraded A/V quality and saves the streams around the degradation for future engineering studies, while continually monitoring A/V sync (lip sync) and providing statistics of the quality scores. RTM operates without injecting additional data and thus requires no special content formatting.

ClearView can store and play any video sequence in any order for any period of time. A key element is a variety of analysis playback modes used to compare the original and processed video sequences — side-by-side, mirrored or seamless split — on the same display.