2GHz relocation proceeds

Relocation of 2GHz Broadcast Auxiliary Service licensees continues to gain momentum with the selection of SignaSys to provide broadcasters with end-user training. It was also announced that broadcasters do not have to climb towers when taking inventory of their BAS infrastructures.

Nextel has contracted with SignaSys to train broadcasters market-wide and at individual stations on the operation of new 2GHz ENG equipment.

The market-level training will consist of a one-day session covering engineering theory and practical use of the new equipment. The company also will conduct in-station training focusing on operator training.

Hands-on testing of new equipment from different manufacturers will be available during the seminars. SignaSys will contact individual stations to schedule training. Nextel regional 2GHz rollout teams will coordinate the schedule for the market-wide training.

Separately, an announcement on the 2GHzrelocation.com Web site clarified rules pertaining to the inventory of existing BAS equipment. Broadcasters will not be required to climb towers to get detailed information on tower-mounted equipment as part of the inventory process.

They are required to list all known information about 2GHz equipment, such as serial number, and manufacture model and date. If such information is not available without climbing a tower, they can use “unknown” to answer questions on the 2GHz inventory tool.

While broadcasters need not climb towers during the inventory phase, Nextel representatives will verify the 2GHz equipment and collect as much information as possible. The detailed information about existing 2GHz equipment that’s being sought during the inventory phase of the relocation is needed so Nextel can provide comparable facilities.

For more information, visit www.2GHzrelocation.com.

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