Viewing Super Bowl in HDTV popular among shoppers, says survey

Americans would rather see the Super Bowl on a new high-definition TV than watch it in the stadium where the game is actually played, according to a new national survey for consumer electronics retailer Circuit City Stores.

Sixty percent of the 4500 men and women who responded to the store's survey said football is the sporting event they most enjoy watching on TV. Football is the top choice for 72 percent of men and 48 percent of women. When asked how they'd prefer watching the Super Bowl if they had a choice, 48 percent said they would rather view the game on a new HDTV. That compares to 26 percent who said they would prefer to attend the game.

Other survey findings include:

  • Fifty-one percent said they don't have an HDTV, but they want one.
  • Thirty-four percent said they plan to buy a new HDTV within the next year.
  • Sporting events such as the Super Bowl prompt those who do not yet own an HDTV to want to buy one (49 percent of women and 60 percent of men).
  • Forty-five percent said they would be most inclined to invite friends over to watch the Super Bowl or other sporting events if they had an HDTV.
  • Twenty-nine percent would invite guests to watch movies on an HDTV.

The "Big Game Survey" was commissioned by Circuit City Stores and conducted by independent research firm Decision Analyst of Arlington, TX. The survey's margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.