The Camera House adds Thomson Grass Valley Viper FilmStream

At the Camera House, the Grass Valley Viper camera from Thomson is available for rent in tandem with an S.Two digital disk recorder.

The Camera House, a Hollywood film community equipment rental agency, has purchased two Thomson Grass Valley brand Viper FilmStream camera systems.

Adding the Viper to its extensive rental inventory supports a growing demand among The Camera House’s client base, which has largely been made up of 16mm and 35mm film rental packages. The purchase leverages the benefits of digital imaging and post production.

The Camera House will offer the Grass Valley Viper digital cinematography cameras for rent with an S.Two digital disk recorder and other equipment.

The camera system, along with an S.Two digital film system as configured by The Camera House, captures raw uncompressed data with a resolution equivalent to 2K resolution in film, the most commonly used resolution for major studio film releases.

The Camera House plans to hold a series of workshops at its North Hollywood facility to educate its clients about the camera and its considerable workflow and image capture efficiencies. Dates and times for the workshops have yet to be determined.

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