Study seeks answers on Mobile DTV viewership patterns

The Open Mobile Video Coalition (OMVC), research firm Harris Interactive and multiscreen media measurement specialist Rentrak have announced they are working together to study consumer usage habits of Mobile DTV during OMVC’s Mobile DTV Consumer Showcase in Washington, D.C.

Eight TV stations in Washington, D.C., will transmit up to 20 channels of free and premium broadcast TV programming to hundreds of mobile devices that will be used by actual viewers and local residents. Mobile DTV devices in use during the study include netbook computers, cell phones, accessory Wi-Fi receivers and portable DVD players that have been specially equipped with the new Mobile DTV receiving circuitry.

Among the Mobile DTV applications to be tested, are:

  • live, local television programs
  • interactive broadcasts made possible by the new Mobile DTV standard
  • lifesaving emergency alerts for weather incidents and other unforeseen events.