Nagravision, CSM enter China’s national mobile TV service deployment phase

Swiss content protection company Nagravision and mobile TV operator China Satellite Mobile Broadcasting (CSM) are in the second deployment phase for China's national mobile TV service, China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting (CMMB). The second phase will see Nagravision expand its conditional access system to 188 more cities. Nagravision currently secures all CMMB services in 150 Chinese cities.

More than 120 companies have launched in excess of 200 CMMB devices, and Nagravision is on schedule to complete integration with more than 150 devices by the first quarter of 2009, according to CSM. Nagravision is integrating conditional access into devices such as mobile phones, pocket televisions and PC dongles. The company will also provide integration for platforms, reference designs and application processors to increase the number of secure devices available and to accelerate conditional access adoption.

Nagravision is preparing to deliver more than 4 million secure chips in 2009.