Irdeto CypherCast for IPTV

During NAB2003, Irdeto Access will introduce a number of new features for the Irdeto PIsys large-scale conditional access system. Recent feature upgrades include dual decoder support; Chinese GUIs; a schedule editor; support for 24 transport streams; OPPV (Ordered Pay Per View); and smart card marriage control.

The conditional access pioneer is also getting involved in IPTV, with its CypherCast for IPTV product, which is designed to protect DSL and FTTH operators against the content theft content, assets and revenues. CypherCast features real-time encryption; session-based encryption including limited-life keys and encryption of individual VOD sessions and a secure client architecture. CypherCast Version 2, which is integrated with the Irdeto PIsys large-scale conditional access system, added security features, an Enterprise GUI, and a decryptor porting kit, is now shipping.

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