HDTV Standards

Did you know that the ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) is responsible for generating and maintaining DTV and HDTV transmission standards for the United States, while areas other than transmission are the responsibility of other organizations? The ATSC's activities are funded by members' dues, and all ATSC documents may be viewed and downloaded freely by visiting the organization's Web site, www.atsc.org.

In addition to current ATSC standards, candidate standards, and recommended practices, a wealth of other helpful material is available from the ATSC Web site, including technology reports, Implementation Subcommittee findings, and technical papers concerning HDTV and DTV.

Additionally, the ATSC maintains the Guide to DTV Standards, an index of all standards pertaining to U.S. DTV in all areas of concern: transmission, production, audio, video, data, cable, receivers, etc., which are generated by their respective standards development organizations, plus information on how to acquire them. All this is available by visiting the ATSC Web site.