HD Survey Probes Super Bowl Preferences

Although it's unlikely this in any way applies to diehard Chicago Bears or Indianapolis Colts fans, a national survey commissioned by retailer Circuit City finds nearly twice as many Americans (just under 50 percent) would rather see the upcoming Super Bowl on a large-screen HD set surrounded by friends at home than watch it in-person in the stadium.

More than 4,500 men and women responded to Circuit City's unscientific "Big Game Survey." An average of 60 percent between both genders said football is the sporting event they most enjoy watching on TV (72 percent for males; 48 percent for females).

Asked how they'd prefer watching the Super Bowl if they had a choice, 48 percent said they would rather view the game on a new HD set than attend in-person. Only 26 percent voiced a preference for seeing the action in the stadium, according to Circuit City.

Other findings of the survey found 51 percent don't have HD sets today "but want them." And one-third (34 percent) said they "plan to buy a new HDTV within the next year."

Among those planning to attend a Super Bowl party on Sunday, Feb. 4, at someone's home, only 20 percent said they actually enjoy watching the game on TV more than anything else at the party, while virtually the same number (19 percent) prefer watching the commercials more than the game itself. More than 50 percent enjoy the "company of friends" more than anything else.