FCC Relocates DOD Uplinks to BAS 2 GHz Band

The FCC has allocated spectrum in the 2025-2110 MHz (2 GHz) and 2360-2395 MHz (2.3 GHz) bands for relocation of critical military and other Federal operations being moved from the 1710-1755 MHz (1.7 GHz) spectrum to make room for the Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) throughout the U.S. Of interest to broadcasters, 11 Department of Defense (DOD) Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) uplink earth stations used to control military satellites will be given co-primary status with 2 GHz incumbents in the Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS), the Cable Television Service and the Local Television Transmission Service.

Some information is available in the FCC News Release - FCC Clears Spectrum for Advanced Wireless Services in the 1710-1755 MHz band by making relocation spectrum available for incumbent Federal Government operations. SBE has filed comments expressing concern about interference from the uplinks to BAS 2 GHz newsgathering operations. See As-filed SBE comments to the ET Docket 00-258 Fourth NPRM, concerning DoD uplinks at 2 GHz and RF Report for November 17, 2003.