FCC Adopts 700 MHz NPRM and Issues BPL Decision

At the Open Commission Meeting last Thursday, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rule Making proposing modifications to rules regarding licensing and operation in the 700 MHz band, which consists of TV channels 52-69, excluding those channels reserved for public safety use.

The FCC said the NPRM proposes modification of power levels, market size and the size of certain spectrum blocks. Except for a chart showing the 700 MHz allocations, the FCC provided little detail about the proposals.

At the same meeting, the FCC rejected petitions from amateur radio operators and TV broadcasters as well as petitions from some users of spectrum allocated for certain aeronautical operations and the gas and petroleum industry for additional protection from broadband over power line (BPL) radiation.

I'll have more details on both of these actions once the full text of the decisions is released. Meanwhile, last week's TV Technology News Bytes has additional information on both of these actions.