Cox Duopoly Upgrades Florical Automation

Charlotte, N.C.-based Cox duopoly WSOC/WAXN has switched to an upgraded Florical automation system and Grass Valley Profile servers without on-air operation interruption.

The upgraded Florical automation system uses a two-channel Air Boss system to originate programming and insert commercial breaks for WSOC and WAXN. The two systems are interconnected so that either system can function as a backup for the other, which provides redundancy protection. Both channels use Grass Valley Master 21 switchers, Leitch Logomotion character generators, Sony Beta SX and Panasonic video machines for play-to-air.

The upgraded system offers more features on the Windows OS and equipment interface options. Florical says it reduced Cox duoploy's capital investment in video server ports and added the ability to ingest content into either video server without regard to which server was assigned play-to-air.

The new system replaces older computer hardware and upgrades the system software on Dell workstations with MS Windows. Additional control was added for Grass Valley Profile XP video servers including digital asset management control across the local area network.