OmniBus automates digital plant for Connecticut Public Broadcasting

The Colossus automation system from Omnibus.

Connecticut Public Broadcasting's new digital plant in Hartford has gone on the air with an OmniBus Colossus playout automation system.

The Colossus automation system will control five channels of playout, including one primary HD channel, CPTV2, CPTV Kids, a backup channel and a preview channel.

In addition to automating playout to air from an Omneon SPECTRUM media server, the system will manage the process of ingesting material from tape to the servers, and it will eventually interface to PBS' Next Generation Interconnect System (NGIS) for program delivery. Interfaces are also being provided for the Protrack traffic system to load schedule data, and for Miranda's Presmaster and Imagestore to manage automation of secondary events, such as logo and DVE insertion.

Colossus is a multi-channel automation and control system designed to bridge the gap between video, audio, Internet, and data-streaming applications. The system's timeline-based display allows a single operator to monitor the status of all channels instantaneously. It also enables an operator to focus in on any single stream, confirm its data, and drive it in the traditional manner should the schedule require it.

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