Quantel Releases sQ Servers

NEWBURY, ENGLAND—Quantel announced the immediate release of a new range of servers for its Enterprise sQ fast-turnaround News and Sports production systems. The new servers are smaller, lower cost and much more powerful than the existing sQ400 and 800 servers.

The new servers are 100 percent compatible with existing Enterprise sQ systems. This means that current customers can expand and upgrade their systems with the latest technology rather than facing the expense and upheaval of complete system replacement. In this way the new servers extend the life of Enterprise sQ systems to 2020 and beyond.

The new servers reduce the price of the entire Enterprise sQ server range by up to 40 percent, bringing Quantel quality fast-turnaround production within everyone’s reach.

The new servers offer three times the storage capacity in two-thirds of the space, and feature Quantel’s FrameMagic agile multi-user, real-time operation. Disk bandwidth is more than doubled, supporting more editors and file I/O on each server; browse copies of media are created at 2-3x realtime giving everyone faster access to content; DSP codec technology enables support for future formats; dual 10 gigabit Ethernet enhances network connectivity and bandwidth; 3G SDI i/o and 16-channel audio integrate with modern production workflows.