TV Marti Channel 13 Authorization Extended

Responding to a request from the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the FCC will allow TV Marti, which uses ch. 13 to broadcast TV programming to Cuba, was allowed to operate with technical parameters differentat variance from those originally authorized for another year. The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) oversees, which is responsible for TV Marti, requested the extension.

However, the commission, in its Memorandum Opinion and Order noted that TV Marti's operations on ch. 13 must cease if there is harmful interference to any lawfully operating commission licensee.

For more information on the history of TV Marti, see the Report to Congress On TV Marti Test Broadcasts to Cuba, which addresses interference concerns. For a view of the interference to TV Marti, see TV Marti Can and Must Be Seen In Cuba, Why Is It Not? by Manual Cereijo.