Sacramento Tower Jumper Surrenders

The parachute jumper that got caught in the guy wires of a TV tower near Sacramento, Calif. has surrendered to authorities after missing his January court date. A story on KXTV's Web site said that John Agnos could be liable for more than $20,000 for restitution of rescue costs, as well as a fine and six months in jail, if convicted.

Fire crews from Sacramento, as well as nearby Elk Grove and Walnut Grove fire departments, responded to rescue Agnos from the guy wire. The News10 article reported that rescue specialist John Clark climbed the nearly vertical guy wire to reach Agnos, cut the parachute cord and lowered him 200 feet to the ground, an effort that took nearly five hours.

For details, see TV Tower BASE Jumper Surrenders to Authorities by C. Johnson, News10 Internet News Producer.