Congress could have final say in ownership battle

Some prominent members on both sides of Congress, including Republican Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska and Democratic Sen. Earnest Hollings of South Carolina, are supporting legislation that would block the FCC's proposed ownership changes.

“Unless we reverse course, radical rule changes in the existing national and local ownership limits could seriously, and perhaps irreparably, alter the fabric of American culture and civic discourse,” Hollings said.

The rule changes “put us on the glide path for the big media conglomerates to gobble up smaller independent stations,” said Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon.

“There has been galloping concentration in virtually every area of the media industry,” added Sen. Byron Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota. “It’s hard to argue we need more.”

The posturing on both the Congressional and private interest sides virtually guarantee a legal challenge to whatever action the FCC ultimately takes on this issue.

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