Broadcasters rank technology vendors by overall opinion

This is the first in a series of posts about how the brands of broadcast technology vendors were ranked by respondents to the 2010 Big Broadcast Survey.

Each year as part of the Big Broadcast Survey (BBS), I ask respondents to rank a number of broadcast technology vendor brands on a wide range of metrics. This information is used to create a series of reports, which through benchmarking and industry “league tables” enable these vendors to understand their competitive position in the market.

More than 5600 people in about 120 countries participated in the 2010 BBS, making this one of the largest and most comprehensive studies of the broadcast industry. In addition to measuring a variety of broadcast industry trends, respondents evaluated more than 100 vendor brands (in 27 separate product categories).

This post looks at how broadcast technology vendors were ranked by respondents in terms of their overall opinion of these vendors. Research participants were asked to rank their “overall opinion” of broadcast technology vendor brands on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being best in the market and one being worst in the market.

Results are shown in two ways:

  • An overall industry "league table" shows the 30 highest ranked vendors for the metric "overall opinion." The data in this chart is broken out globally and regionally.
  • An analysis of the “frequency” of appearance is shown in the “overall opinion league table.”

This article includes charts that show the top 30 ranked brands for “overall opinion” for the global sample of all respondents as well as for all respondents in each of the geographic regions.

To read the full article, which includes two tables and an analysis of the data, click here.