Three easy steps to network news survival

Greater viewer access to behind the scenes news creation, better use of new digital distribution opportunities and new strategic alliances with foreign news organizations are the prescription for network news survival in a new media world, according to an extensive look at the media in The Wall Street Journal.

In the May 23 edition, The Wall Street Journal offered insight from various experts into ways a variety of traditional media can make it in a new world.

Network news can take several steps to shore itself up, the paper said. Quoting blogster Corey Bergman, who is also a news producer in Seattle, the paper advised the networks to “engage viewers in a conversation.” Remove the “façade of how news is made” and give viewers access to unedited video interviews online.

Using new distribution avenues also is critical for the future success of network news, according to the paper. Pointing to ABC News Now as an example of an organization that makes it content broadly available via new playback devices, the paper said most others are “just beginning to pay lip service to digital media.”

Finally, the paper identified the need for networks to form strategic alliances with foreign news services to fortify their flagging overseas newsgathering resources.

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