A letter from the publishers

The TV news business is in a state of transition. Not only are the technologies used to shoot, write, edit and playout stories in an accelerated stage of change, but the very notion of what it means to be a television news organization is evolving. While new distribution platforms — such as the Internet, cell phones and the much anticipated mobile DTV receivers — create an opportunity for newsrooms to extend their reach and their brand, they also demand a re-examination of how news personnel and technology should be employed.

At the same time, a decline in national advertising sales, competition from new media sources, continuing capital demands for DTV infrastructure build out and larger concerns about the nation's financial system are greatly affecting how station news departments manage their way through these changes. News technology aimed at improving workflow efficiencies is part of the answer. However, an even more important piece is using that technology to fulfill the ultimate mission of a TV newsroom, namely providing important, interesting local news content that viewers turn to regardless of the platform they choose to use.

To help engineers and managers address these challenges, Broadcast Engineering and Broadcasting & Cable magazines have joined forces to produce a series of supplements and private technical symposiums focused on practical solutions. This supplement and symposium are focused on newsroom technology. We've assembled key vendor and industry experts to offer both their thoughts and experience and to answer your questions.

Jonathan Chalon
Vice President,
Entertainment Technology Division
Group Publisher,
Broadcast Engineering and Radio magazines

Larry Dunn
Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News