Mario Orazio
Latest articles by Mario Orazio

About That Loudness Thing...
By Mario Orazio published
It's about A) the ability to make the audio comply with specific laws and specifications; and B) to make it sound nice.

Wha’ Happened to the FCC?
By Mario Orazio published
It appears that the Commish doesn’t much care about broadcasting anymore.

What Price Reliability?
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed, but… reliability don’t come cheap.

Recording Pretty Pictures From Above
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed, but… these days, things are lookin’ down. Literally.

Card Storage: Speed Writing Trumps Reading
By Mario Orazio published
So I’m shoppin’ for accessories for that sweet little helmet-cam I just bought to record all my pie-eating triumphs at the annual Festa San’ Guido.
TV Is Pictures and Sound; 'Taint Numbers and Specs
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that all television control rooms have monitors of both the picture and sound variety.
Upconversion: It’s More Than Meets the Aieeee!!
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that it’s no longer 1996.
Protecting Pretty Pix, Keeping Consumers Cool
By Mario Orazio published
"Time flies." "You can't stop progress." "If you snooze, you lose." Yes, of course I'm ranting this month about the war on piracy.
'Yes, It's Still Coming,' The Two Firms SED Again
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that not everything that can be imagined always happens. Yes, I'm ranting this month about new display technologies.
As for TV Technology, It’s All an Illusion
By Mario Orazio published
TV technology ain’t brain surgery. TV technology ain’t rocket science. TV technology is all about illusions.
Concatenation Needs Much More Elucidation
By Mario Orazio published
When HDCAM came out, you could count the number of TV stations transmitting HDTV on the fingers of one hand.
The Smaller the Screen, The Higher the Bit-Rate
By Mario Orazio published
This ain’t (exactly) about the transition to DTV.

Moore's Law Being Repealed?
By Mario Orazio published
Moore's Law has been working over the decades, and individual transistors have gotten really, really small.

Source of Knowledge? The NAB Show Ain't It
By Mario Orazio published
Look, there's only one legitimate reason to go to the big show each April. It's to get away from the office and maybe play a little golf in the desert sun.

Lifetime Achievement for Lifeline Service?
By Mario Orazio published
Maybe there's a method to that madness—something TV broadcasters, regulators and legislators might want to take note of.
Aspects of Loveliness: Fix It? Heck, No!
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that not everyone on TV is fat. Yes, this month's rant is about image shapes. Here's what I mean.
Mobile TV Might Suck, But It Could Earn You $$
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that Snell & Wilcox doesn't yet sell television directors. Yes, this will be another rant-and-rave about mobile TV.
Next-Gen Monitoring: You Just Late And See
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that the first part of Sherlock Holmes's explanation to Dr. Watson gets ignored.
Getting to Home Base With A Cast of Multi
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that the term HDTV doesn't necessarily guarantee quality.
Compression Is Easy
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that objective measurements have gone the way of NTC-7. I ain’t sure if that’s good or bad, but it surely does leave a big hole in equipment specs.
Which Transition is Which?
By Mario Orazio published
You might not have noticed that HDTV can be analog.
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