Networks Delivering Shows to iPad

As Apple gets ready to launch its latest iproduct this weekend, the company has proven that it doesn’t have to adapt its iPad to existing Web video standards. Third party video content providers will come to them instead.

Yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that CBS Corp and ABC are adopting episodes of their TV shows to be viewed on the new device, which goes on sale Saturday. CBS shows will be viewed on the iPad’s built-in Web browser and ABC’s shows will be streamed through a dedicated app. The shows will be ad-supported; iPad owners can still purchase individual commercial-free shows via iTunes.

In addition, Web site App Advice reported that Netflix will make its streaming service of movies and TV shows also available on the iPad. Not to be left out, Hulu, which uses the Adobe Flash format—incompatible with the iPad—is reportedly considering making its service compatible.

The key to all of this is HTML5, an update of the current HTML code for the Web. The New York Times, Time magazine, Flickr and TED, among others have all recently announced that they are moving to HTML5.

Depending on how popular it becomes, the iPad could spell serious trouble for Adobe’s Flash video format, the current dominant online standard.