Local Broadcast TV Revenues Dive 26 Percent in 2Q

NEW YORK: Total broadcast television ad revenues were down 12.8 percent in the second quarter of 2009 versus the same period last year, according the Television Bureau of Advertising’s analysis of numbers provided by TNS Media Intelligence.

Categorically, local broadcast TV revenues fell 26.3 percent. Network TV was down 6.9 percent in the quarter. Syndicated TV was down 1.5 percent.

For the first six months of 2009, local broadcast revenues fell 27 percent. Network TV was down 5.8 percent, and syndicated TV was down 0.7 percent. On average, total broadcast revenues declined 12.3 percent during the first half of the year. The Top 25 advertising categories for local broadcast television reflected the general decline in the 2nd quarter: all but one spent less than in the same quarter a year ago.

More on broadcast industry ad revenues:
August 14, 2008:2Q Broadcast TV Ad Revenues Down
Network, local and syndicated TV generated a total of more than $11 billion in the second quarter of 2008, compared to nearly $11.5 billion last year. Network TV was down 4.8 percent for the quarter; local broadcast, down 6.1 percent, and syndicated TV was up 9.1 percent, generating an overall decline of 4 percent.