HPA Tech Retreat Set for Mid-February

The year just concluded began with buzz about 4K displays (four times the number of pixels of so-called “full HDTV” at 1080p) at the 2008 International CES, and ended with 300 fps viewing at the IBC. Both technologies are among the topics to be discussed at the Hollywood Post Alliance's 15th-annual Technology Retreat, Feb. 17-20 at Westin Mission Hills Resort in Rancho Mirage, Calif.

Program chairman Mark Schubin said the event, which has grown annually, gathers the top technical talent globally from broadcast, cable and satellite networks, movie studios and manufacturers, including reps from two “NATOs”—the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, based in Brussels, and the National Association of Theater Owners—as well as the Moving Picture Experts Group and Motion Picture Editors Guild.

Schubin told HD Notebook some of the technologies introduced at previous retreats included Panasonic's Varicam, Sony's HDCAM SR, and the 3D football camera rig from 3ality. This year's demo room has 55 confirmed technologies thus far, including glasses-free stereoscopic 3D and 3D video compression.

The program kicks off with an ATSC seminar on lip-sync and loudness issues and a Charles Poynton workshop on math for HDTV and digital cinema. It will end with a session on live HD content for cinemas worldwide. Program details are posted online.

Check the Feb. 4 issue of TV Technology for a preview of the event.

Read all of HD Notebookhere.