Telecast Fiber Planning IBC Launch of New Viper Series Products

Telecast Fiber Systems Inc. will be showing off several new entries in the company's Viper product line. These entries in the 6000 series of RoHS-compliant equipment include a card for analog video and two or four channels of audio plus data; a card for SD/HD SDI transport; a bi-directional SD/HD SDI product; a dual-stream HD card; an SDI plus dual AES audio card; and a reclocking SD/HD SDI distribution amplifier.

The company will also be showing its G2 CopperHead camera-mounted fiber optic transceivers, the SCAMP SMPTE 3111 hybrid cable amplifier/repeater and the Adder II series of products for analog and digital trunking applications.

Another new Telecast IBC entry is the MX fiber connector. This technology offers high performance, easy cleaning and a compact size. Lenses comprise the mating surfaces and there are no recesses to trap dirt or interfere with the signal path. The connector has no fragile sleeves or alignment mechanisms to break and it uses expanded beam technology.

Telecast Fiber will also display other established products including the Cobra-D triax-to-fiber converter and the DiamondBack II broadcast quality NTSC/PAL video multiplexer.

Telecast Fiber Systems will be in Stand 10.428.