DK-Technologies Acquires Meter Company

DK-Technologies has acquired Dag2000, a Danish manufacturer of digital bargraphs and peak program meters.

The acquisition allows Herlev, Denmark-based DK-Technologies to expand its range of metering options such as the MSD100 series. Functions include PPM, phasemeter and phaseoscillscope on an LDC and more high end products such as the MSD600M series, which offers up to 32 channels and surround sound housing.

Previously owned by NTP Electronics, Dag2000's program peak meter bargraphs are noted by their distinctive orange bars. Dag2000 products will be stamped with the DK brand.

"While this acquisition allows us to satisfy demand for bargraphs, we also hope that it will provide Dag2000 customers with an easy transition to DK meters equipped with LCD displays," said Karsten Hansen, CEO of DK-Technologies.